Profile Listing Report
  • 09 Sep 2024
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Profile Listing Report

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Article summary

Profile Listing Report

This report provides a list of all Profile records and their associated ID Code, Report Name, Business phone number and extension, and formal Salutation.

NOTE: The Salutation is optional. When you run the report a confirmation window opens asking if you want the Salutation Line to print. Click Yes or No.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Profiles > Profile Listing.

Profile Listing Report (with Salutation Line)


Profile Listing Fields



ID Code

ID Code used to identify the Profile.

Report Name

The Report Name from the Profile record.

FIMS automatically builds the Report Name based on the Prefix and First and Last names for individual Profiles, and based on the Organization name for organizational Profiles.

NOTE: If you choose to include the Salutation line, it will appear directly below the Report Name.

Business Phone

The phone number from the Work Phone field on the Profile record.

NOTE: Some Profile records will not have a number in this field.


The extension associated with the Business Phone number.

NOTE: Some Profile records will not have a number in this field.


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