Profile Special Handling Code Tips
  • 08 Aug 2023
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Profile Special Handling Code Tips

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Profile Special Handling Code Tips

Special handling codes can be used to provide extra information for any Profile that is used in conjunction with a transaction (e.g., Gift, Grant, Scholarship, Pledge) in FIMS. You can also use these codes to provide reminders about process or to indicate that a Profile should not be used for a particular type of transaction. Some examples of when / how to use Profile Special Handling Codes:

  • Assign a code that provides additional instructions associated with transactions for the selected Profile (e.g., special process for handling gift letters for the Profile).
  • Assign a code for Pledge and Gift entry that indicates that the Profile should not have Pledges or Gifts associated with it. If someone tries to enter a Gift or Pledge for the Profile, they will receive a message telling them that the Profile was created for another purpose (e.g., administration or mailing purposes) and should not have Gifts or Pledges associated with it.
  • Assign a code to the joint Profile associated with a couple that is no longer a couple (e.g., the Partner passed away). When someone tries to create a Gift or Pledge for the Profile they will receive a message saying that the Profile is no longer used for Gifts and Pledges and to use the surviving Partner's Profile instead.
  • If your organization only processes a few Pledges each year, create a Special Handling code (e.g., Pledge 1, Pledge 2) and assign it to each Donor who has made a Pledge. When someone enters a Gift for one of these Donors, they will receive a message indicating that the Donor has a special handling code for an outstanding Pledge and that they will need to treat the Gift differently. Once the pledge is paid in full, remove the code from the Donor's Profile record.

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