  • 27 Feb 2023
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You are here:  Profile Management

Profile Management

The Profile Management module is usually the first FIMS module you will implement and use. Profile records make up the table of names and addresses used throughout FIMS, and should exist for all individuals and organizations with whom your organization communicates or does business. The main Profile record contains the basic mailing information, such as the Name, Primary Address, and Salutations. It might also contain several Alternate Addresses (for home and vacation addresses), or Contact records.

Note: Refer to Contacts and Tickles in the Introduction for more information about Contact records.

Because FIMS uses a relational database, you only have to record name and address information once -- in the Profile Management module. The system assigns each Profile a unique ID code, and any other module that needs the name and address can access the Profile by its ID code.

The main Profile record’s relationship with related data records in FIMS is an example of the one-to-many relationship that is typical of a relational database. Simply stated, one main record can have many records of another type related to it.

The Profile record may also have a simple one-to-one relationship with a Donor record. Through this auxiliary record, the Profile can have a one-to-many relationship with Gift records. The Grantee (agency) record is another auxiliary record to the Profile and enables a one-to-many relationship with Grant records. The Vendor page fills the same role for administrative Vendors.

Searching Profiles

When you first open the Profiles module, you will notice the View and Search tools along the top of the grid that you can use to locate a profile.

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