Promises Tab (Profiles)
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Promises Tab (Profiles)

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Article summary

Promises Tab (Profiles)

The Promises tab displays a data grid containing a list of Promises made by the selected Profile. The Promise record tracks non-binding promises of significant Gifts to the organization (for example, bequests or insurance policies).

Tip: Refer to Entering a Promise in the Donor and Gift Management module for more information about Promises.

If you double-click a Promise in the list, the Edit Promises window will open where you can view and edit the selected promise. This allows you to work on the Promise tab in the Donor and Gift Management module without closing the Profile Management module. Refer to the Promise Tab for more information.

Tip: You can configure the Promises Data Grid to display any fields that are associated with Promises. Refer to Configuring View Settings in the Introduction for more information on customizing your views.

You can use the optional Pledge Management module to track binding pledges.


Promises Tab

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