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Question Marks Show on Datagrid instead of Data Results
When creating a data grid with funds with Grant Sum History for a year range that have Number of Grants = 0, some rows show a question mark in several of the columns.
Steps To Duplicate:
1. Go into the fund module and create a new data grid.
2. In the Tables tab select fund, fundsummaryhistory, fund-rep, profile table.
3. In the columns tab select Fund ID, (FundSumHi) num of Grants, (FundSumHi) Total Grants
4. In the selection tab select (FundSumHi) Year From 2015 to 2015, (FundSumHi) Num of Grants from 0 to 0, (Fund) Sub Type from A to D, (Fund) Inactive Date leave blank,
5. Generate the view and you should get results that populate a ? for Num of Grants and Total Grants.
If the data set that is chosen includes an outer join then this issue can occur with any data grid setup in that scenario. The tables without an outer join (in the example above in the steps to duplicate fund\fund-rep\profile) will still show even if there is no row found for the outer join table (in this example the FundSummaryHist table).
The ? values in the fundSummary History columns are not available, and there is no available value for "number of grants' and 'Year'. In this example, the query has four tables. The query will return fund, fund-rep and profile data even if there is no fundSummaryHistory table.