Reactivate a Retired Fund
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Reactivate a Retired Fund

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Article summary

Reactivate a Retired Fund

FIMS allows you to reactivate retired Funds and their associated General Ledger accounts.

Note: If you reactivate a Fund during a different year than it was retired you will have to rebuild its General Ledger accounts for the new year. Refer to Autobuilding G/L Accounts for more information.

1. In the Fund Management module, select File Maintenance > Retire a Fund. The Retire a Fund window opens.
2. In the Fund Being Retired field, enter the Fund ID of the Fund you want to reactivate. If you are not sure of the Fund ID, click the Lookup button (looks like a magnifying glass) next to this field and select the desired Fund. Once you enter the Fund ID for a retired Fund, the Reactivate Fund button becomes active.

3. Click the Reactivate Fund button.

4. Click OK. A confirmation window opens asking if are ready to reactivate the Fund.

5. Click Yes. A message appears to inform you that the Fund was reactivated, along with any of its inactive accounts. 


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