Recommend again button is missing from DonorCentral
  • 10 Feb 2023
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Recommend again button is missing from DonorCentral

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Article summary

There is usually an option to recommend again on prior grants, but it is missing from DonorCentral.

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Log into DonorCentral> view as advisor
  2. Scroll down to review previous grants > see details button
  3. Notice the button for recommend again does not appear anywhere
The Recommend Again button is only currently visible for grants (be they pending or approved). It does not show up for a pending recommendation that has not yet gotten into FIMS. The examples in this issue were pending recommendations and as such the recommend again button will not appear for those.

If the suggestions are not pending and the recommend again button should be showing, check to make sure that the grantee has the correct DonorCentral affiliation code on their record:
  • Check that the grantee has the correct DonorCentral Affiliation code on their record. Each customer will have their own Grantee affiliation code for DonorCentral.
  • You can go to DonorCentral Options\System\Suggestions\Upload_Grantee_Affil and see what your DC code is there and make sure that the grantee has it.
  • If you just added the grantee, be sure that a full upload to DonorCentral has been done after adding.

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