Record Menu
  • 20 Oct 2022
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Record Menu

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Article summary

Record Menu 

This menu allows you to manipulate records in the current module. You can open a Data Grid, move forward and backward through the list of records, and select commands regarding data in the current record (for example, Save, Delete).

 Menu Option



Opens the Data Grid for the current module.

Note: You can also open the Data Grid by pressing F3 on your keyboard.


Moves to the next record in the current module.

Note: This option is not available if you are on the last record.

Note: If the Data Grid is open, this option highlights the next record in the list. If you are in a record window, it opens the next record in the list.

You can move to the next record by pressing Alt+N on your keyboard.


Moves to the previous record in the current module.

Note: This option is not available if you are on the first record.

Note: If the Data Grid is open, this option highlights the previous record in the list. If you are in a record window, it opens the previous record in the list.

You can move to the previous record by pressing Alt+P on your keyboard.


Moves to the first record in the current module.

Note: This option is not available if you are in the first record.

You can move to the first record by pressing Alt+F on your keyboard.


Moves to the last record in the current module.

Note: This option is not available if you are in the last record.

You can move to the last record by pressing Alt+L on your keyboard.


Opens a sub-menu of options for the current transaction (for example, if you are working with the Alternate Addresses tab in the Profile Management module, this sub-menu allows you to create and save a new alternate address).


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