Relationship Listing Report
  • 09 Sep 2024
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Relationship Listing Report

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Article summary

Relationship Listing Report

The Relationship Listing report lists relationships between Profiles, including the Relator and Relatee ID and Name and a description of the Relationship. It also displays grouping information about the selected Profiles.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Profiles > Profile Other > Relationships.

NOTE: You can create Contacts or add Affiliation codes to each unique Profile ID code included in this report, directly from the FIMS viewer. Refer to Creating Contacts from Reports and/or Exports in the Introduction and Adding Affiliations from Reports and/or Exports in the Profile Management module for more information.

Relationship Listing Report

Relationship Listing Report Fields



Relator ID

The Profile ID code of the relator.

Relator Name

The report name of the relator.

Relatee ID

The Profile ID code of the relatee.

Relatee Name

The report name of the relatee.

Relationship Code

The Relationship code that identifies the relationship between the two Profiles (for example, P1 or P2).


A description of the relationship between the two Profiles (for example, Client, Friend, Father, or Financial Planner).

Group Code

The Profile Group that the selected Profile is a member of.

Group Description

A text description of the Profile Group that the selected Profile is a member of.


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