Review Available Balance of Unposted Applications Report
  • 09 Aug 2023
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Review Available Balance of Unposted Applications Report

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Article summary

Review Available Balance of Unposted Applications Report

This report provides information about the available balances for each Fund associated with an unposted application. You can use this report to determine if a Fund will exceed its available Grant balance when the Grant is complete.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Grants > Application Reports > Review Available Balance of Unposted App.


Review Available Balance of Unposted Applications Fields



Fund ID

The ID code for the Fund making the Grant.

Fund Name

The name of the Fund that has unposted applications associated with it.

GL Balance

The total available balance for the Fund.

Less Gifts

The amount of any outstanding Gifts.

Pending Grants

The total amount of all pending Grants for the Fund.

Balance After

The balance that will remain after the Grants are paid.


Displays a message regarding the balance. For example, if the Balance After is a negative amount, the message will say Review.

Running the Available Balance of Unposted Applications Report

1. In the Grantee and Grant Management Module, select Reports > Application Reports > Review Available Balance of Unposted App. The Review Available Balance Configuration window opens.
Review Available Balance Configuration Window

2. In the Include Which Applications section, enter any of the following information ranges to filter the applications that will be added to the report. The more information you enter, the more specific your report results will be. 

  • Grant Dates
  • Project Codes
  • Action Codes
  • Batch
  • Program Officer

3. In the Define What is Available to Grant for the Funds section, select the G/L information that you want to use for your report: 

  • Fiscal Year / Fiscal Period 
  • GL Account Types
  • Subtract Recent Gifts: If you enter a date range in these fields, any Gifts received during the selected range will be excluded from the balance listed on the report.

4. When you are finished, click the Proceed with Report button to run the report.

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