Row Format Logic
  • 08 Aug 2023
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Row Format Logic

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You are here: General Ledger > The Fund Statement Designer > Working in the General Ledger View > Row Format Logic

Row Format Logic

The row format logic is the same as it is in General Ledger Design Statements.

  • AR%: Asset Rebalancing Target percentage % from the GLYear record for the asset chosen.
  • ARF: Asset Rebalancing Fixed Amount from the GLYear record for the asset chosen.
  • BB: Prints a beginning balance for an account (or range of accounts) instead of the year-to-date or current value indicated by the Column Format. If you use this code, you must enter the appropriate account (or range) into the Formula field. The balance of the specified account(s) will be calculated as of the beginning of the period range defined for each column in the Column Format record. For example, if a column is set to Current with an absolute Period range of 4 to 6, the beginning balance of the specified accounts(s) will be as of the end of Period 3. A YTD column always returns the beginning balance for the fiscal year.
  • Desc: Prints text in the Description field on the current line, flush left. This is useful for section headers.
  • Dund: Underlines columns with a double row of dashes.
  • FBB: Prints a beginning Fund balance for the period range indicated in the Period field (on the Column Format record). Use this code when you are creating statements of activity, to place an initial quarterly Fund Balance above a column of Current activity. You can also use this code for YTD columns, if you want to print the beginning Fund Balance for the fiscal year.
  • FBE: Prints an ending Fund balance for the period range indicated in the Period field (on the Column Format record). You can specify a single Fund balance, or a range of Fund Balances in the From and Through fields.
  • Fld: Field.  Used to indicate that a particular field will be chosen for display from the Fund or FieldMaker Fund record.  Fields are specified in the Formula column of the Row Format.
  • GL: Prints values from the General Ledger account (or range of accounts) indicated in the Formula field. The values may be the sum of account balances for a number of selected Funds, or from a single Fund, as determined by the segments specified in the Formula field (or the segment values that you specify at run time).

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