Run Application Quick Approval and Denial
  • 17 Jul 2023
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Run Application Quick Approval and Denial

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You are here: Grants > Process Grant Applications > Run Application Quick Approval and Denial

Run Application Quick Approval and Denial

This process allows you to quickly record decisions for a large number of Grant Applications at one time.

Note: You can manually update the Grant Date, Grant Amount, and Status Code fields in the data grid section of the Quick Approval and Denial window, or you can automate entry by following the remaining steps in this procedure. If you enter a new Grant Amount in the data grid section, the Action code automatically changes to Approved.

  1. In the Grantee and Grant Management module, click the Applications supertab, and then click the Processes tab.

  2. Select Application Quick Approval and Denial from the Application Processes list, and then click the Run Process button. The Application Quick Approval and Denial window opens.

    Note: You can sort the list by Grant Number, Board Date, ID Code, or Sort Name. You can also use the Find Record field to search for particular Applications by Grant Number.

  1. In the Default Dates section, enter the Grant and Payment dates that you want to apply to the Applications.

  2. In the Default Status Codes section, do the following:

    • In the Approved and Denied fields, enter the status codes that you want to apply to approved and denied Applications (for example, app = Approved, and den = Denied).

    • In the Date field, enter the date when you want to apply the status change.

  1. In the data grid section of the window, select the Applications that you want to approve or deny.

    Note: To select multiple Applications, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while you click the desired Application lines with your mouse. You can also select a continuous group of Applications by clicking the first Application in the group, then holding down the Shift key on your keyboard and clicking the last line in the group.

  1. Click either the Approve Selected Items button or the Deny Selected Items button to approve or deny all of the selected Applications.

  2. Repeat this process for any other groups of Applications that you want to approve or deny. When you are finished, click the Done button.

Tip: One-Step Approval Process

If you are only entering approved Applications into the system, you can approve them as you enter them, without using the Quick Approval and Denial process. When you start entering your Applications, set the default Action code to Approved, and set the default Grant Date and Payment Dates appropriately. Then you only need to enter the Grantee ID, Fund ID, and Grant Amount to complete each approved Application (at a minimum). The Payment Plan will be built automatically when you fill in these fields. Once you have entered all of your approved Applications, you can post them all at once.


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