Run the Grant Application Edit Report
  • 17 Jul 2023
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Run the Grant Application Edit Report

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You are here: Grants > Process Grant Applications > Run the Grant Application Edit Report

Run the Grant Application Edit Report

The Grant Application Edit report is used to verify that your Applications do not contain any errors or omissions. It provides a detailed list of all unposted Applications (for a selected range of Grant Dates, Grant Numbers, or Batches), with a summary of the number of transactions and errors found.

In addition to errors, FIMS also issues warnings, which do not prevent posting. For example, one of the most common warnings appears if the Payment Date is prior to today. Refer to the Grant Application Edit Report Errors and Warnings section for more information.

Note: Only Applications that are Approved, Denied, or Withdrawn are included on the Edit report. You cannot run the Edit report for Open or Imported Applications.

Tip: Because FIMS cannot catch some entry errors (for example, an inaccurate Grant amount, or an Application with the wrong Fund ID), you should establish a routine review of the Edit report before posting.

Note: You should run this report before you export your Application data, and you can run it as many times as necessary before posting.

  1. In the Grantee and Grant Management module, click the Applications supertab, and then click the Processes tab.

  2. Select Edit Report from the Application Processes list and then click the Run Process button. The Application Edit Report window opens.

  1. In the Select Applications From/Through fields, enter the date range that you want to use for the Edit report. Only Applications with Grant Dates within the selected range will be part of the report. The default values are the first day of the current month and today’s date.

  2. (Optional) If you want to run the report for a specific range of Applications within the selected date range, enter the associated Grant Numbers in the Grant Numbers From / Through fields.

  3. (Optional) If you want to run the report for a batch of Application, enter the batch numbers in the Select Batches From / Through fields.

  4. (Optional) If you want to run the report for applications within a specific range of Project Codes, enter the desired code(s) in the Select Project Codes From / Through fields and then do one of the following:

    • Select Only Include Project Codes in this Range if you want to filter the report results to only show applications with the selected Project code(s).

    • Select Exclude Project Codes in this Range if you want to filter the report to only show applications that do not have the Project codes you selected.

  1. Click OK, and then click the Run Report button in the window that opens to display the Edit report in the FIMS Viewer.

Grant Application Edit Report Errors and Warnings

Errors on the Edit report are preceded by **E. Warnings are preceded by **W. You will not be able to post your Applications if there are any errors in the Edit report.

Although you can post Applications if there are warnings in the Edit report, you should always check the warnings before posting to see if any changes should be made.

Refer to the Running the Grant Application Edit Report section above for more information.


  • Application History Record Exists with the same Grant Number.

  • Application may not have a blank ID Code.

  • Missing Profile Record for Grantee.

  • Missing Grantee Record or Grantee Flag is Off.

  • Missing Profile Record for Mail To.

  • Missing Mail Check To for Application.

  • Grant Amount is Zero.

  • Grant Date Cannot be Blank.

  • Missing Fund Record

  • Invalid Payment Date

  • Line Items do not Match Grant Amount.

  • Amount being Granted Exceeds Available to Spend - available to spend amount and line number are shown. 


  • Grant Amount is Less Than Zero.

  • Grant Date is not within One Year of Today.

  • Possible Duplicate Grant. Review Posted Grant Number.

  • Possible Duplicate Application. Review Unposted Application Number.

  • Fund in Application does not Match any in Payment Plan.

  • Fund was Retired on <Date>.

  • Payment Date is Prior to Today.

  • Payment Date is Prior to Grant Date.

  • Application Denied and Grant Amount > 0.

Note: This can be either an error or a warning, depending on your settings. Refer to System Options – Grants for more information.


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