Running the Reconciliation Report
  • 06 Sep 2024
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Running the Reconciliation Report

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Article summary

Running the Reconciliation Report

The Reconciliation Report lists Beginning Balances, Activity broken out by all categories, and Ending Balances. Each page of the report has a section for Income (rarely used), Book, and Market Balances.

1. In FACTS, click the Reconciliation supertab and then click the Processes tab.

2. Select Reconciliation Report from the Reconciliation Processes list, and then click the Run Process button. The Reconciliation Report Selections window opens.
 Reconciliation Report Selections Window

3. Click the arrow in the Pool drop-down box and select the Pool ID code for the Pool you want to base the report on.

4. Select any or all of the following checkboxes to indicate the balances that you want to appear on the report: Include Pool Balances, Include Account Balances, and Include Fund Balances.

NOTE: If you select the Include Fund Balances checkbox, you will be prompted to enter a range of Fund ID codes. This option is rarely selected, because the same information is provided on the Unitization report.

NOTE: Depending on what you select, the report will include one page for the Pool, one page for each Investment Account in the Pool, and one page for each participating Fund (or any combination of the three).

NOTE: If you only have on Investment Account in the Pool, you do not need to select the Include Account Balances checkbox. The information that appears on the report will be the same for both the Pool and the Account.

5. Click OK.

6. Verify the Send To destination, and then click the Run Report button. The report opens in the FIMS Viewer.

Example: Reconciliation Report (Account Page)

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