Salutations Tab (Profiles)
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Salutations Tab (Profiles)

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Salutations Tab (Profiles)

The Salutations tab displays the list of salutations (one default salutation and five alternate salutations) to use for various types of letters.

Salutations are the names that follow "Dear" in mail-merge letters. You may want to vary them from mailing to mailing, depending on the formality of the letter, whether a Partner is included, or the identity of the sender.

FIMS automatically builds Salutations based on the information you enter on the Profile 1 and Profile 2 (Partner fields) tabs. You can edit any of the Salutations, but we recommend that you only perform this kind of customization for the default and perhaps one other Salutation. You can also choose the salutation line you want to use when you create the mailing.

Note: You can define the format used to automatically build salutations on a system-wide basis. Refer to Configuring Salutations for more information.

Salutations Tab


Salutations Tab Fields



Default Salutation

The salutation that will be used for most mailings to this Profile.

FIMS will automatically use this salutation if you do not specify an alternate salutation when you create a mailing. It will also use this salutation if you specify an alternate salutation, but the Profile does not have that alternate salutation.

NOTE: Some standard FIMS reports and exports will always use the default salutation. For example, communications with Donor advisors will always use the default salutation.


A formal individual salutation (for example, Mr. Harley). This type of salutation is often used for such mailings as annual appeal letters or brochures mailed to individual investment counselors.

Profiles with no Partner should use this salutation as the default.


An informal individual salutation (for example, Arthur). This type of salutation is often used for such mailings as memos to committee members.

Formal w/Partner

A formal salutation that includes the main Profile and their Partner (for example, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson). This type of salutation is often used for such mailings as invitations to Fund-raising events.

Profiles with a Partner should use this salutation as the default.

Informal w/Partner

An informal salutation that includes the main Profile and their Partner (for example, Arthur and Edith). This type of salutation is often used for such mailings as seasonal greeting cards.


This salutation is used for communications from the director. It is usually formal with Partner – with case-by-base substitutions of first names or nicknames, depending on the director’s relationship with the Profile.

Use Joint or Alternate Name

These checkboxes appear next to each of the six salutation fields.

Salutation lines that are built jointly will have this checkbox selected to automatically use the Joint or Alternate Name for the first line of the address block. Salutation lines that are built individually will have this checkbox cleared and use the Individual Name for the first line of the address block.

Note: You will generally not have to change the default values for these checkboxes. The default value should coincide with the appropriate Mailing Label field (at the bottom of the Salutations tab).

Individual Name

Read-only field that indicates the name to use on the first line of the address block (if an Individual salutation line is selected when running exports for mailings).

Note: This name is based on the name fields on the Profile 1 tab. Any changes you make to the name fields will automatically be reflected here.

Joint or Alternate Name

A custom name to use on the first line of the address block (if a joint or alternate salutation line is selected when running exports for mailings).


Limiting Access to Build Salutations

The Build Salutations button can be limited to specific users simply by right-clicking on the button and entering a list of allowed users.


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