Save Grant Letters
  • 18 Dec 2023
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Save Grant Letters

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Article summary

How to save Grant Letters to Profile or Fund Folders


How do I Install FIMS Macros into Word? 

Complete instructions are located in the attached to this article:

How do I save Gift Acknowledgements, Fund Statements, and Grantee Correspondence to Profile or Fund Folders?

1. Run a trial Export Grant Information export or Application Export.

2. Open the main merge document in Microsoft Word and add the following paragraph at the beginning of the letter:


Note: IMPORTANT: Do not include any spaces in this paragraph.

Note: This paragraph includes seven merge fields: AppExploreDir, PayeeExplorerDir, Organization, ProfileExploreDir, GranteeIdcode, GrantNum, and FundExploreDir.

Note: You may need to adjust these fields depending on the export that you run. Please contact FIMS Support for more information.

3. In order to prevent this heading paragraph from printing, select the paragraph and select Format > Font. In the Font window, select the Hidden checkbox, and then click OK.

Font Window

4. At the end of the main merge document enter the following paragraph (and set it as hidden text):


5. Save the modified merge documents.

6. Merge your letters as usual.

Note: If you need to edit the form letters, you can do so, but do not alter the <HEAD> or <BOTTOM> paragraphs.

7. To run the desired macro in the merged letters document, select View > Macros. The Macro Selection window opens.
Macro Selection Window

8. Do one of the following:

  • If you want to save the letters to each individual Donor Advisor’s Profile folder as a Word document, select SaveGrantLetterDonorAdvisor.
  • If you want to save the letters to each individual Donor Advisor’s Profile folder as a PDF document, select SaveGrantLetterDonorAdvisorPDF.

Note: These macros are associated with the Donor/Advisor field on the Contact tab of the Grant Application. This field must be populated on the application in order to use the macros. See Contact Tab (Grants) in the Grantee and Grant Management module for more information about this field.

  • If you want to save the letters to each individual Grantee’s Profile folder, select SaveGrantLetterGrantee.
  • If you want to save the letters to a separate folder for each Grant Number under the Grantee’s Profile folder as a Word document, select SaveGrantLetterGrantNumberFolder.
  • If you want to save the letters to a separate folder for each Grant Number under the Grantee’s Profile folder as a PDF document, select SaveGrantLetterGrantNumberFolderPDF.
  • If you want to save the letters to each individual Payee’s Profile folder, select SaveGrantLetterPayeeFolder.
  • If you want to save the letters to each individual Fund folder as a Word document, select SaveGrantLetterFundID.
  • If you want to save the letters to each individual Fund folder as a PDF document, select SaveGrantLetterFundIDPDF.

9. Click Run.

The macro will test to see that each individual or fund has a Profile or Fund folder, and if not, it will create one. Then it will copy each letter to a separate document and save it into the appropriate folder with a file name that combines the Lettername (ask FIMS Support how to adjust for each template) and the Grant Number and Grantee Name (for example, ApprovalLetter_20070026_Artspace_Inc.doc).

Note: You can run each of these macros from the same merged document. Once you finish running the first macro, you can run the second one immediately and so on. You do not need to re-merge the document.


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