Scheduled Task for Full Database Backup is not Creating a Backup File in DBBackup Folder for On-Premises Customers
  • 01 Nov 2022
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Scheduled Task for Full Database Backup is not Creating a Backup File in DBBackup Folder for On-Premises Customers

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Article summary

The scheduled task for the full FIMS database backup on the database server is not creating a backup file in DBBackup folder.


To troubleshoot why a bkp file is not being created in the DBBackup folder when the scheduled task for the full database backup runs, do the following:

1. Go to Task Scheduler on the server, start the DB backup task in question and then click Refresh. Does the task still show as Running after refreshing? If not, then the task is not actually running.
  • If the scheduled task starts and shows as running when you click run but then immediately shows as Ready when you click refresh, which indicates again that it is not running, this usually means that either the task is not set up correctly or there is an issue with the bat file.
2. Check the steps in the documentation to be sure task is setup correctly:

What is the Recommended Backup Process for the FIMS Database?

3. Check the dbbackup.bat file to be sure it is correct:
  • The bat file used for full backups is located in NPO\found\FIMS and is called 'dbbackup.bat'
  • Open the bat file in Notepad to see how it is configured. Scroll down to these lines shown below. The drive letter should be the actual drive on the server where npo\dlc folder is, not the shared N drive, but the actual physical drive on the server, here it is set for C, your drive letter may be different on your server.
  • For the found line, it should be drive letter then found as below, do not put anything else in that line.
  • Note also the text should be in small caps as below as well:
set DLC=c:\npo\dlc
REM Set this to where FIMS is installed
set FOUND=c:\found

4. Look at the history tab of the scheduled task, are there errors that show?
  • One of the more common issues is if the password for the Windows account that runs the task has been changed, you may see the following error in that scenario. You will need to update the password for the Windows user in the task:

Task Scheduler failed to start "\name of task" task for user. 

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