Scholarship application program name doesn't upload to DonorCentral from FIMS
  • 28 Feb 2023
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Scholarship application program name doesn't upload to DonorCentral from FIMS

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Article summary

After a scholarship application is created and posted in FIMS, the program name field is changed. DonorCentral will show the original name in Grant Details > Purpose, but will not update with the new information after the change.

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Create and post scholarship in fims
  2. Go to DonorCentral
  3. Click Grants in navigation bar
  4. Scroll down to see Grants
  5. Click ellipses icon next to a Grant
  6. Choose View Details
  7. In Grant Details tile, compare Purpose field to Program Name field in FIMS on the application tab of scholarship
  8. Back in FIMS, make a change to the program name field
  9. Upload to DonorCentral
  10. Purpose field still shows the original program name
This issue was customer specific with a custom program and was fixed for the customer who reported it.

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