Scholarship Reports
  • 25 Apr 2024
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Scholarship Reports

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Scholarship Reports

Scholarship Management reports and exports contain information about Students, Scholarship applications (and history), Scholarship Conditions, Fund Scholarships, and Renewals.

There are also Grant reports that can track Scholarship information. These Grant reports offer a Selection and Sorting field called (Grant) Scholarship, (App) Scholarship, or (AppHi) Scholarship that allows you to choose whether you want to include Scholarship records in your report. The following reports offer this option. Refer to Grantee and Grant Reports for more information about each report.



Grant History Report – Opt by Grant

Lists posted Grants and is optimized to run faster based on your report selections. You should use this report if you are basing your selections on the Grant Date, Grant Number, ASF, ID Code, or other Grant coding.

Grant History Report – Opt by Fund / Tran Date

Lists posted Grants and is optimized to run faster based on your report selections. You should use this report if you are basing your selections on the Fund ID, Transaction Date, or other Fund coding.

Grant History Listing

Lists posted Grants.

Note: This report is similar to the Grant History Report, except that it also includes the Requested Amount.

Grant History with Payments

Lists posted Grants along with the complete payment history for each line in the payment plan.

Export Grant Information

An export that creates an ASCII data file based on posted Grant information (approved Applications) that you can use to create mail merge letters in word processing.

Grants by Program Area

Lists outstanding commitments before and after a user defined date range, along with any new Grants that were approved and any payments that were made during the given date range.

Grant Cancel / Refunds Report

Lists Grants that have been canceled or Refunded (via Grant Adjustment processes).

Outstanding Grants by Fund

Lists outstanding commitments before and after a user defined date range, along with any new Grants that were approved and any payments that were made during the given date range.

Summarized Grantee

A summary report that lists Grantees and the total Grants received.

Unposted Application Listing

Lists all Grant Applications that are still active in the system (have not been posted), including their associated Requested Amount, Grant Amount, and Action code.

Unposted Application Profile

Provides detailed information about unposted Applications.

Unposted Application Registry

Provides the Grantee name and address, and Grant information including whether there are conditions for each unposted Grant Application.

Unposted Application Export

An export that creates an ASCII data file that you can use to create mail merge letters and other communication with applicants.

Unposted Application Export with Fund Rep

An export that is similar to the Unposted Application Export except that it is based on the Application payment plan line items. If an Application has a payment plan with more than one line item, each line item will produce an export record. This export also includes the Fund Representative’s name and address for each Application.

Review and Required Items

Lists information about review items and required items on unposted Applications (based on the data on the Application’s Prerequisites tab).

Unposted Application Listing by Fund

Lists summary statistics for all unposted Grant Applications, based on the Fund ID for each payment line.

Unposted Application Address Info by Fund ID

Lists line items from unposted Grant Applications along with the name and address information for each applicant.

Application History Listing

Lists complete Application history for all posted Applications (regardless of whether the application is Approved, Denied, or Withdrawn) for each Grantee.

Application History Registry

Provides the Grantee’s name and address and Grant information for each posted Grant Application, including any conditions.

Application History Export

An export that creates an ASCII data file that you can use to create mail merge letters and other communication with applicants. The data file that is created is the same as that for the Unposted Application Export, except that only posted Applications are accessed.

Application History Export with Fund Rep

An export that is similar to the Unposted Application Export w/ Fund Rep except that it is based on posted Applications. If an Application has a payment plan with more than one line item, each line item will produce an export record. This export also includes the Fund Representative’s name and address for each Application.

Review and Required Items – Posted

Lists information about review items and required items on unposted Applications (based on the data on the Application’s Prerequisites tab).

User Defined Application History Export

An export that allows you to select the actual fields you want to export. Any field from the AppHistory (fields from the application, including Scholarship User fields), AppHistLineItem (Payment Plan tab), Fund (fields from the Fund record), Fund-Rep (fields from Fund associations), Grantee (fields from the Grantee record), Scholarship Fund (fields from the Scholarship Fund record), and / or Profile tables can be selected for export, and fields are selected from the Fields tab on the FIMS Report Selections window.

Note: It is important that you understand how the FIMS database works and what the fields are before running this export. Please contact FIMS Support if you need help determining the appropriate fields to export to fit your needs.

Pending Applications

A summary report that analyzes pending Applications (includes all unposted Applications) based on the analysis code you specify. For example, you could run the analysis based on the Status code to show how many Applications are in each stage of the application process.

Application History

A summary report that analyzes posted Applications (whether they are approved, denied or withdrawn) based on the analysis code you specify. For example, you could run the analysis based on Request Type.

Grant History

A summary report that provides Approved Application history totals based on the analysis code you specify. For example, you could run the analysis based on the Population code.

Grants – Budget to Actual

A summary report that compares budget figures from Grant codes with actual Grant amounts and lists the variance amount.

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