Securities Detail Tab
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Securities Detail Tab

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Article summary

Securities Detail Tab

The Securities Detail tab provides information about stocks and securities that are held by the selected Fund. You can optionally view Current Inventory, Historical information, or All. When you select a security, you can click a button to View Position or View Gift (only available if the security is associated with a  particular Stock Gift).

Note: This tab is only available if you are running the optional Stock Gift Management module.

Securities Detail Tab

Click the View Position button at the bottom of the window to view information about the Stock Gift related to the selected security. There are two tabs available in the View Position window: Position and Activity.

The Position tab contains the same information as the Securities Tab in the Stock Gift Management module, except that all of the information in this window is read-only and cannot be changed.

Example: View Position Window (Position Tab)

The Activity tab displays a list of all transaction activities associated with the Security (for example, when the Security was acquired, any unposted proceeds that have been recorded, and any posted proceeds that have been recorded).

Note: The information on this tab is the same as the Activity Tab in Gift Securities Inventory Maintenance.

Example: View Position Window (Activity Tab)


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