Send Email to a Profile
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Send Email to a Profile

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Article summary

Send Email to a Profile

FIMS allows you to send email messages to a Profile (and/or a Profile’s Partner) directly from the Profile Management module (if the Profile record contains an email address).

Note: If you want to send an email to multiple Profiles, you can run the Address Listing with Labels and Email report and send the message directly from the report. You can also send email directly from the FIMS Data Grids. Refer to Sending Email Messages from the Data Grid in the Introduction for more information.

Sending Email to the Main Profile Email Address

If the Profile has an email address, you can automatically send them an email by clicking the Send Email button next to the E-mail field on the Profile 1 tab.

If you have email addresses for both the main Profile and the Partner, click the Send Email button on the toolbar instead. You will be given the option to send the message to the main Profile, the Partner, or both.

Sending Email to the Partner Email Address

If the Partner has an email address, you can automatically send them an email by clicking the Send Email button next to the Partner Email field on the Profile 2 tab.

If you have email addresses for both the main Profile and the Partner, click the Send Email button on the toolbar instead. You will be given the option to send the message to the main Profile, the Partner, or both.

Sending Email to any Profile Email Address

If you have email addresses for the main Profile, the Partner, and/or any alternate addresses, you can use the Send Email button on the Profile Management Module toolbar to send an email to any or all of the email addresses associated with the Profile.

1. In the Profile Management module, open the desired Profile record, and then click the Send Email button on the toolbar. One of the following occurs:

  • If there is only one email address associated with the Profile record, FIMS automatically opens a new message in your email application, with the Profile’s email address in the To line.
  • If there are multiple email addresses associated with the Profile record (for example, one for the Profile, one for the Partner, and one for an Alternate Address) an address selection window opens.

2. Select the checkbox associated with each address you want to send the message to, and then click OK to create the message, with the selected address(es) in the To line.

Note: If you want to send the message to all of the available email addresses, click the Check All button.

3. Enter a subject line and body text for your message, and then send it as you would any email message.


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