Set Automatic Numbers
  • 29 Apr 2024
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Set Automatic Numbers

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Set Automatic Numbers

FIMS sequentially numbers many records as you create them, and those numbers serve to identify the records within the system.

The Set Automatic Numbers utility allows you to define the next number that you want to use for each type of record that uses sequential numbers.

Note: Numbers will generally be set to 1 when FIMS is installed. If NPact converts existing records for you and adds them to FIMS, the numbers will be advanced appropriately.

You should not change the numbering scheme for most records (except the Grant Number). 

Grant application numbers are a special case. We recommend that you reset the Grant Number each year using an 8-digit numbering scheme. The first four digits usually represent the year, and the last four represent the Grant Number for that year. For example, the first Grant Number for 2008 would be 20080001. This makes it easy to recognize the year when the application was received. When Grants are posted, the Grant Number becomes the Voucher number in Accounts Payable).

Note: If you pay out more than 9,999 Grants in one year, please contact Support to discuss alternate numbering schemes.

Note: You cannot set grant numbers starting at 1 because it will conflict with automatic numbering for manually added Vouchers in Accounts Payable.

Note: Since the Grant application number reflects the application date, a Grant application that is received late in the year may have a Grant Year that is different from the Application Year. If you are entering historic applications, you may want to reset the application number to be consistent with the historic application year.

1. Select Tools > System Utilities > Set Automatic Numbers. The Set Automatic Numbers window opens.

Set Automatic Numbers Window (Grant Number)

2. In the Automatic Numbers pane on the left-hand side of the window, select the type of number you want to set. The last number used will appear in a read-only field on the upper right-hand side of the window.

3. In the Next Number to be Used field, enter the next number you want to use for the selected automatic number type. The default value is one greater than the Last Number Used.

4. Click the Save button.

2. Repeat this process to set any additional numbers. When you are finished, click the Done button.


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