Set Default Application Entry Values
  • 22 Apr 2024
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Set Default Application Entry Values

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Set Default Application Entry Values

Default Application values help avoid repetitive data entry when entering several Applications in one session. Once you set the default values, they're automatically added to each new Application you create in the session.

When you create the first Grant Application in a FIMS session, you're automatically prompted to enter default Application values. You can change them at any time during the session by clicking the Application Defaults button on the toolbar.

Note that the Default Application Entry Values screen has some additional options when creating applications from a DonorCentral suggestion:

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Note: See Application Tab for the fields that use these default values.

1. In Grants, click the Application Defaults button on the toolbar to open the Default Application Entry Values window.

2. Enter values in any or all of the default value fields, and then click OK.

These default values apply to the next Application you create and any subsequent Applications during this entry session.

Tip: For applications created from DonorCentral recommendations, FIMS validates the grant amount, the available amount to spend, and whether the grantee can accept grants. Warnings display when there is a discrepancy. To stop the warnings, clear the Warning pop-ups when creating applications option.

Note: Don't set default values while you are in the middle of entering an Application (while the Cancel button is available on the toolbar). If you set defaults then, they aren't saved. Click the Save button on the toolbar to save the current Application before trying to reset default values.

Tip: Create an Application Template

If you create many Grant Applications and need more default fields than are available in the Default Application Entry Values window, you can create an application template with all of the desired fields filled in. You can then copy this template to create your new applications.

  1. Create an Application that uses a “dummy” Profile or your organization’s Profile as the Grantee.

  2. On the Application tab, select the On Hold checkbox, so the application will never be posted.

  3. Fill in all of the fields that you want to have default values for.

  4. Save the Application.

  5. When you are ready to create new Applications from this template, open the template Application and click the Copy button on the toolbar.

  6. Make any necessary changes to the new Application and process as you normally would.


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