Set Grant Conditions
  • 17 Jul 2023
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Set Grant Conditions

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You are here: Grants > Grant Entry > Set Grant Conditions

Set Grant Conditions

Grant Applications may be approved or paid subject to compliance guidelines that must be met by the applicant. You can use Condition records to keep track of these guidelines and when the applicant complies with them. You can also use Condition records to create follow-up conditions that the recipient must accomplish after receiving the award (for example, submitting a status report on the project).

Note: This procedure takes you through the process of creating a Condition record from the Conditions tab on the Applications super tab. You can also create Condition records from the Conditions supertab. Refer to the Conditions Supertab for more information.

1. In the Grantee and Grant Management module, click the Applications supertab, and then click the Conditions tab to see a data grid that lists the current conditions attached to the Grant Application.

Note: Each Condition record can contain up to four condition lines. Only the first line appears in the data grid.

2. Click the New button on the far left-hand side of the toolbar. The Edit Conditions window opens.

Note: If you want to edit an existing Condition record, you can select the desired record from the data grid on the Conditions tab and then click the Edit Conditions button to access this window for a specific record.

Note: The fields on this window are identical to those on the Conditions tab on the Conditions supertab. Refer to the Conditions Tab for more information about all of the available fields.

3. The Grant Number field is automatically populated based on the Application that you were viewing. However, you can enter a different number if necessary. The Amount, Date, ID Code, and Program information (read-only) is automatically populated based on the Grant Number.

4. In the Remind Date field, enter the date when staff should be reminded of an upcoming condition.

5. In the Remind Who field, enter the Staff code associated with the staff member who should receive the reminder.

6. If you want the condition to apply to a specific payment line, enter the Line Number. If you want the condition to apply to the entire Application, leave a zero in this field.

7. Click the arrow in the first Condition field at the bottom of the window, and select the desired condition from a user-defined list. Refer to Maintaining Standard Grantee and Grant Codes for more information.

Note: You can also manually enter a brief text description of the condition (for example, “Final report is required”).

8. In the Date Due field, enter the date when the condition must be met.

9. In the Date Done field, enter the date when the condition was met. This field will usually remain empty when you first create the Condition record.

10. Enter any additional conditions that you want to add to this record.

Note: Only the first condition line appears in the Conditions data grid. If you want to be able to view all of the condition lines from the data grid, you must create a separate record for each one.

11. (Optional) If you are using the record for follow-up information (instead of a condition), click the Expected Outcome radio button and enter more information about what you expect the applicant to do. Once you know the results of the award, you can enter Actual Outcome information and use the Other codes to rank the success of the follow-up.

12. When you are finished, click the Save button on the toolbar.

13. Do one of the following:

  • If you want to create another Condition record, click the New button on the toolbar and repeat this process.

  • If you are finished working with the Condition records, click the Close button.


Record Interfund Grants

Occasionally one component Fund gives money to another component Fund. For example, the advisor of a Donor Advised Fund may wish to make the Fund’s annual Grant to another Fund in the organization, instead of to an outside charity.

If you wanted to do a simple transfer of the dollars from one Fund to another, you could make General Ledger journal entries to record the transfer. However, this process would not record the gift for the recipient Fund or the Grant for the giving Fund. If you want to record the transaction in Gift and Grant history, or want the transaction to appear on the detail page of the donor statement, you must enter a Gift and a Grant into FIMS.

Note: Refer to the Interfund Module for more information.


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