Set up the Grant Payment Plan
  • 17 Jul 2023
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Set up the Grant Payment Plan

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You are here: Grants > Grant Entry > Set up the Grant Payment Plan

Set up the Grant Payment Plan

If you enter a default Payment Date in the Default Application Entry Values window and enter a Grant Amount and Fund ID on the Application tab, FIMS automatically creates a single payment line for the full Grant amount.

Note: If you do not select a default Payment Date when you start the Application entry process, the Grant Date will automatically be used as the Payment Date. Refer to Setting Default Application Entry Values for more information about selecting a default Payment Date.

You can also create a multi-line payment plan. A separate payable will be created for each line, with a different Payment Date. Two or more lines with the same date, but from different Funds, will result in a single payment. The payment amount total must equal the Grant amount.

Up to five payment lines are exported in the Application Data Export for merging into Grant Application summaries or to Grant award letters.

In cases where additional Funds are contributing to the award, or where multiple payments will be made, the line items can be edited.

The payment plan can be viewed in Application History, but each line displays some additional data fields to track adjustments. The payment plan is also reflected in Application History on the A/P Activity tab, which displays the payment history of each line item.

Note: Payment dates may also be viewed and changed from the Accounts Payable module after the Application is posted by clicking the Item Entry supertab and then clicking the Line Items tab. Any changes to the Payment Date on that tab will also change the date on the Payment Plan tab for the Application. Once you post the Voucher, changes to the Payment Date will not flow back to the Application’s Payment Plan. The changes will only affect the date when the item will be available for payment. Refer to the Accounts Payable module for more information.

Add a New Grant Payment Line

1. In the Grant Management module, click the Applications supertab and then click the Payment Plan tab.0

2. Click the New button on the far left-hand side of the toolbar. A new payment line opens, with the cursor in the Payment field.

3. Enter the date when the new line item will be paid and then press the Tab key on your keyboard to move to the Amount field.

4. Enter the Amount that will be paid for this line item and then press the Tab key on your keyboard to move to the Fund ID field.

IMPORTANT: All of the line item amounts must add up to the total Grant Amount. If they do not match, you will receive an error on your Edit report and will not be able to post the Application.

5. Enter the Fund ID for the Fund that will pay this line item. If you are not sure of the Fund ID, you can click the arrow in this drop-down box to select the desired Fund from a lookup. The Fund Name field is automatically populated based on the ID you select.

Note: You will not be able to save the payment line without a valid Fund ID.

6. Press the Tab key on your keyboard to move to the Anonymous field and indicate whether the payment will be made anonymously (yes or no).

7. When you are finished, click the Save button on the toolbar.

Note: If the payment lines do not match the Grant Amount, a message appears to tell you this and show you both the payment line amount and the Grant amount. You must make these amounts match before you can post the Application.

Note: If you use an Available to Spend calculation, and the Grant Amount exceeds the Available to Spend amount for any of the Funds that you selected, a message appears to tell you this. Refer to Maintaining Available to Spend Codes in the Fund Management module for more information.


Edit a Grant Payment Line

It is easy to change elements of any payment line that you set up for a Grant Application. This is useful if, for example, you have to adjust a payment line amount so that your payment lines add up to the total Grant Amount.

To change part of a payment line, click in the desired field, and enter the new value. When you are finished, click the Save button on the toolbar.

You can also delete a payment line by selecting that line and clicking the Delete button on the toolbar. Keep in mind that if you edit or delete a payment line you must make sure that the remaining line items add up to the total Grant Amount.


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