Setting Default Scholarship Application Values
  • 19 Sep 2023
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Setting Default Scholarship Application Values

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Article summary

Setting Default Scholarship Application Values

Default Scholarship application values can help you to avoid repetitive data entry when you are entering several applications in one session. Once you set default values, they are automatically added to each new application you create in the session (unless you reset them).

1. In the Scholarship Management module, click the Application Defaults button on the toolbar. The Default Scholarship Application Entry Values window opens.

NOTE: This window opens automatically the first time you start a new application in a session.

2. Enter the desired information in any or all of the default value fields and then click OK. The default values will automatically be added to the next application you create (or the first application you create, if this is the beginning of the session).

NOTE: Do not try to set default values while you are in the middle of entering an application (while the Cancel button is available on the toolbar). If you set defaults then, they will not be saved. Click the Save button on the toolbar to save the current application before trying to reset default values.

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