Setting Scholarship Preferences
  • 19 Sep 2023
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Setting Scholarship Preferences

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Article summary

Setting Scholarship Preferences

This option allows you to create the labels that appear on the Codes section of the Students tab and the User Coding section of the Application tab. These fields are used to track data about the Student for evaluation purposes or statistical analysis of awards.

NOTE: Refer to the Students Tab and the Application Tab to see an example of how these codes are used.

NOTE: This only sets the labels for the fields. You configure any code tables for these fields via Scholarship Code Maintenance. Refer to Maintaining Standard Scholarship Codes for more information.

It also provides an option to automatically delete any denied or withdrawn Scholarship applications when you post. If you choose to do this, the following occurs at post time:

  • Only approved applications will be added to Application History.
  • FIMS will check to see if the Applicant’s Student record has any other pending or historic applications related to it. If it does not, FIMS will delete the Student record.
  • FIMS will check to see if the Applicant’s Profile record has any other history of any kind related to it. If it does not, FIMS will delete the Profile record.

NOTE: If you do not select this option, you can still delete denied or withdrawn applications after posting. Refer to Purging Scholarships for more information.

NOTE: This is not the same as setting default values for Scholarship applications. If you want to set the default values to automatically populate fields in the application, refer to Setting Default Scholarship Application Values.

  1. In the Scholarship Management module, select File Maintenance > Scholarship Preferences. The Scholarship System Preferences window opens.
    Scholarship System Preferences

  1. Enter up to eight Character fields for the Student record, and two Character fields for the Application record. Each field can hold up to six characters (any combination of numbers and letters). You can choose to make them either free-text entry fields or code fields.

    NOTE: The first two character fields on the Student record and the first character field on the Application record require data entry from a valid code in the User-Defined code table.

  1. Enter up to eight Numeric fields for the Student record, and two Numeric fields for the Application record. Each field can hold up to six digits. These fields are used for free text entry and can only contain numbers.
  2. Enter up to four Date fields for the Student record, and two Date fields for the Application record. Each field will accept a date, in mm/dd/yyyy format.
  3. (Optional) If you want FIMS to automatically delete all withdrawn and denied Scholarship applications at post-time, select the Delete Denials During Posting checkbox.
  4. When you are finished, click OK.

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