Setting Up Acknowledgements
  • 19 Sep 2023
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Setting Up Acknowledgements

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Setting Up Acknowledgements

When you select the Donor for a Pledge, the Acknowledge To fields on this tab are automatically populated with information from the Donor record. However, you can change or add information as necessary.

  1. In the Pledge Management module, click the Unposted Pledges super tab.
  2. Make sure the appropriate Pledge record is open, and then click the Acknowledgment tab.
  3. (Optional) If you want to select a different address or to a related Profile (for example, if the Donor has an Alternate Address, a Mail To Profile, or a related Profile who they want to receive the acknowledgment), click the arrow in the Name drop-down box (in the Acknowledge To section) and select the desired Profile and address. 

    NOTE: The drop-down box contains any Alternate Addresses or Mail To addresses for the Donor. You can also choose a Profile that is related to the Donor in a group relationship (e.g., a family member), or in a one-to-one relationship. The Profiles that appear in this drop-down must have a Relationship record connecting them to the Donor.

    NOTE: You can also manually change the address by typing new address information. Keep in mind that this only changes the address information for this Gift Acknowledgment. If you want to permanently change an address, you must change it on the Profile record.

  1. (Optional) If you want to select a different salutation, click the arrow in the Salutation drop-down box and select the desired salutation from the list.

    NOTE: If you select a different Salutation, the Name will automatically change to reflect the appropriate Individual or Joint or Alternate Name associated with the selected salutation. You can manually change the Name, if necessary. Refer to the Salutations Tab in the Profile Management module for more information about associating names with salutations.

    NOTE: You can also manually change the salutation by typing a new one into the field. Changing the salutation manually does not affect the Name field.

  1. (Optional) Click the arrow in the Code drop-down box to enter or change the Acknowledgment code for the Gift.
  2. If the Pledge is a memorial or honorary Pledge, do the following in the Memorial/Honorarium section:
    • Select the appropriate radio button (In Honor or Memorial).
    • Enter the name of the honored or memorialized person in the Name field.
  1. Use the Comment field to enter any additional comments that you want to include in the acknowledgment letter.
  2. When you are finished, click the Save button on the toolbar.

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