Special Address Listing Report
  • 09 Sep 2024
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Special Address Listing Report

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Article summary

Special Address Listing Report

This report is identical to the Address Listing with Labels and Email report, except that it prompts you for two affiliation codes (you can enter the same code in both fields) and only Profile records that contain both affiliation codes are included in the report.

NOTE: You can create Contacts or add Affiliation codes to each unique Profile ID code included in this report, directly from the FIMS viewer. Refer to Creating Contacts from Reports and/or Exports in the Introduction and Adding Affiliations from Reports and/or Exports in the Profile Management module for more information.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Profiles > Special Address Listing.

Special Address Listing Report

Special Address Listing Fields




ID Code

ID Code used to identify the Profile.

Profile Record

The name, mailing address, and salutation information for the Profile.

Phone Numbers and E-mail

The work, home phone, and fax numbers for the Profile, along with their e-mail address.

Running the Special Address Listing Report

1. In the Profile Management module, select Reports > Special Address Listing. The Special Address Codes window opens.

Special Address Codes Window

2. Click the arrow in the 1st Affiliation and 2nd Affiliation drop-down boxes and select the affiliation code(s) you want to use for the report. If you only want to use a single code, enter the same code in both fields.

NOTE: Do not leave either of these fields blank.

3. Click OK.

4. Configure the desired Selection and Sorting criteria as you would for any standard FIMS report and then click the Run Report button.

NOTE: If there are no Profile records that match one (or both) of the affiliation codes, a message appears to inform you of this fact. Keep in mind that only Profiles that match both affiliation codes will be included in this report.

NOTE: This report gives you the option to create labels or send e-mail messages directly from the FIMS Viewer. Refer to the Address Listing with Labels and Email Report for more information on creating labels and e-mail messages.

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