Special Scholarship Features
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Special Scholarship Features

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Special Scholarship Features

Scholarships are Often Related to Two Profiles

When you are working with ordinary Grants, the Applicant and Grantee are the same. However, Scholarships are usually related to both the Grantee record (usually an educational institution) and the Student record. Sometimes the award check is written to the institution alone and sometimes to the institution and the Student as co-payees.

NOTE: If the Scholarship is awarded directly to the Student, the Grantee and Student record can be linked to the same Profile.

Scholarship Applications are Often More Numerous than Ordinary Grant Applications.

A number of features in the FIMS Scholarship management system are specifically designed to expedite application processing or purge unwanted historical records:

You can set default values for key data fields (Action, Status Code, Batch, Board Date, Grant Date, and Payment Dates) at the beginning of an application entry session that will automatically be added to all subsequent applications until the defaults are reset. You can also choose to have all Scholarship applications marked as On Hold in A/P by default.

If the Profile and Student record are not on file, you can enter them directly from the Scholarship Management module.

A payment line item is automatically created when an application is entered with a Grant Amount and the Action is set to Approved.

Several features, including a Quick Approval and Denial utility, speed the entry of award decisions. Refer to Using Scholarship Quick Approval and Denial for more information.

You can automatically purge Denied or Withdrawn applications when you post, or subsequently at any time. You may also delete Approved Scholarship records. Refer to Purging Scholarships for more information.

The Auto Build Scholarships utility automates the Scholarship Renewal entry process. Refer to Auto Building Scholarships for more information.

A Fund May Offer One or More Scholarships.

The Fund Scholarship record identifies the Scholarship and its parent Fund for the Scholarship Application record. Every fund in FIMS that may award a Scholarship must have at least one Fund Scholarship record associated with it. Each Fund may also have multiple Fund Scholarship records. Every application must be linked to a Fund Scholarship Record.

Examples of Fund Scholarships include Scholarships that have different names, different award criteria, or different amounts.

NOTE: If a Fund Scholarship has more than one recipient, it is not necessary to create separate Fund Scholarship records for each recipient.

Organizations Employ a Variety of Standards and Procedures to Evaluate Scholarship Applications.

The Scholarship Management module is primarily designed to be a post-approval system. However, it also has a number of data fields that are used to support evaluations performed outside of FIMS.

The Student record includes eight alphanumeric fields, eight numeric field, and four date fields to register Applicant statistics and scores.

The Application record includes two more alphanumeric, two more numeric, and two more date fields.

NOTE: The labels for all these fields are user definable, and the data fields on the Student record can easily be exported for use in an external spreadsheet, where the Student evaluation process can be completed.

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