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Stock Gift Edit Report Errors and Warnings
There are several errors and warnings on the Gift Edit Report that are specific to Stock Gifts. For a complete list of the errors and warnings you may receive on your Edit report, refer to Gift Edit Report Errors and Warnings in the Donor and Gift Management module.
Debits do not equal Credits for Fund.
Note: This may either be an error or a warning, depending on the Warning for Unbalanced Funds System Options setting (General Ledger System Option).
Debit Account does not exist.
Credit Account does not exist.
Cash Account does not exist.
Commission Account does not exist.
Fees Account does not exist.
Realized Account does not exist.
Unrealized Account does not exist.
Securities Asset Account does not exist.
Cash Account does not exist for Distribution.
Commission Account does not exist for Distribution.
Securities Asset Account does not exist for Distribution.
Fees Account does not exist for Distribution.
Realized Account does not exist for Distribution.
Unrealized Account does not exist for Distribution.
Position Gift Amount does not match Stock Distribution Amount.
Security Name does not exist in Securities Table for Distribution.
Broker does not exist for Distribution.
Transfer Agent does not exist for Distribution.
Attorney does not exist for Distribution.
Position does not exist for non-Stock Distribution.
Position Fund Distribution does not exist for non-Stock Distribution.
Attempting to sell more shares than are owned for Distribution.
Position / Fund Distribution does not exist.
Price or Shares not filled in.
Shares being sold are less than what’s outstanding.
Proceeds for Distribution are not completely filled in. Proceeds will not be applied.