Students Tab
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Students Tab

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Article summary

Students Tab

The Students tab contains Applicant-specific data for each Student, including their GPA, High School, Institution (college or high school), Subject Area, and Social Security Number.

NOTE: The Student must have a Profile record before you can create the Student record.

NOTE: The fields and field labels in the Codes section of this tab are user-defined. Refer to File Maintenance – Scholarships for more information on defining these codes.

Students Tab

Students Tab: General Entry Fields



ID Code

The Student’s Profile ID Code.


The Student’s last known Grade Point Average (GPA).

For Year

User-defined code that indicates the academic year when the grade point average was earned (for example, Hjun = High School Junior).

NOTE: This field is not validated (does not force the use of a code), so a numeric year or semester could be used instead of the Academic Year code.

NOTE: This field uses the same code table as the Academic Year field.

School Attended

The ID code of the school that the Student was attending when they earned the GPA. This school can either be a high school or college.

NOTE: The ID code is a Profile ID Code and does not necessarily have to have an associated Grantee record.

NOTE: This may be the same school entered in the Institution field, but it does not have to be.

Academic Year

User-defined code that indicates the year that the Scholarship will apply to (for example, CFrh = College Freshman).

NOTE: This field is not validated (does not force the use of a code), so a numeric year or semester could be used instead of the Academic Year code.

NOTE: This field uses the same code table as the For Year field.


The ID code of the educational institution that the Student plans to attend (or is currently attending) and that the Scholarship will apply to.

The ID code entered here automatically flows into the Grantee field on the Application tab.

NOTE: Unlike the School Attended ID code, the Institution must have a Grantee record in the FIMS database.

High School

The high school that the Student attends (or formerly attended if they are now in college).


The Student’s Social Security Number.

Student ID

The Student's Student ID number (issued by their school). This number is entered in the Program Name line for any Scholarship Applications associated with the Student.

NOTE: If you enter a SSN for the Student, the Social Security Number is added to the Student ID field by default, but you can change it, if necessary.

Subject Area

A text description (up to 65 characters) of the Student’s major area of study.


Checkbox that indicates if the Student is an active Student who is currently seeking Scholarships.

Select the checkbox if the Student is active, and clear the checkbox if they are not.

Full Time

Checkbox that indicates whether the Student is a full or part-time Student.

Select the checkbox for full-time Students and clear the checkbox for part-time Students.

Students Tab: Codes Fields

Click the Codes radio button at the bottom half of the Students tab to access these fields.

This section consists of a series of user-defined fields. You can create up to eight-character (alphanumeric) fields, eight numeric fields, and four date fields. Refer to File Maintenance – Scholarships for more information on setting up your codes.

These fields can all be exported via the Spreadsheet Export process to support the evaluation of applications outside of FIMS.

You can also define the text labels for each of these fields.

Example: Codes Fields (your fields may be different)




Character Fields

You can create up to eight-character fields. Each one can hold up to six characters (any combination of numbers and letters). You can choose to make them either free-text entry fields or code fields.

Examples of fields that might be useful include SAT Score, Married (yes/no), or Deans List (yes/no).

NOTE: The first two fields require an entry from the user-defined code table. The remaining fields may either be code fields or free-form text fields.

Numeric Fields

You can create up to eight numeric fields. Each one can hold up to six digits. These fields are used for free text entry and only accept numbers.

Examples of fields that might be useful include Income, Family Size, or Taxes.

Date Fields

You can create up to four date fields. Each will accept a date in mm/dd/yyyy format.

Examples of fields that might be useful include Birth date or Grad. Date.

Students Tab: Comments Field

Click the Comments radio button on the bottom half of the Students tab to access this field.

The Comment field is a free-form text field that is intended for a comment or phrase to describe the Student.

Students Tab: Other Fields

Click the Other button on the bottom half of the Students tab to access these fields.

NOTE: You cannot edit any of the information in these fields. They are strictly informational.



Date Added

The date when the Student record was first added to the system.

Date Changed

The date when the Student record was last changed. If no changes have been made since the record was first entered, this field remains blank.

User ID

The username of the person who made the last change to the record (or the person who created the record if no changes have been made).


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