"Submit recommendation failed" when submitting a Suggestion in DonorCentral
  • 22 Dec 2022
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"Submit recommendation failed" when submitting a Suggestion in DonorCentral

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Article summary

When users attempt to submit a suggestion in DonorCentral, they receive the message  "Submit recommendation failed" and neither the donor or staff receive a confirmation email for grant submitted online.

It is further noted that in Control Panel\Site Administration\Submitted Suggestions that there are duplicate suggestions.



This was due to an issue that occurred on 10/31/2022 in DonorCentral.

1. We resolved the issue with the error that was occurring when users clicked submit. That error will no longer occur.
2. We resolved the issue where emails were not going out for submitted suggestions. Emails will now be sent

Note: There will be duplicate suggestions in the import window in FIMS and also will see duplicates in submitted suggestion tab in DonorCentral. In FIMS import window, for the duplicates, they can decline the duplicates and only import the originals.

What happened with that is that when the error occurred, the suggestion actually did get submitted despite the error occurring so when the user clicked the submit button multiple times then multiple suggestions were submitted.

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