System Options – Donor and Gift Management
  • 09 Jan 2024
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System Options – Donor and Gift Management

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System Options – Donor and Gift Management

You can set the following default options to apply to the Donor and Gift records you create in FIMS. This can save time in the data entry process and any of the default values can be changed when you are working with a specific record.

Note: There are several additional options that are specific to the optional Stock Gift module. Refer to System Options – Stock Gifts for more information about these options.

Please contact FIMS Support before setting these options.




CC Gift Acknowledgment

<path and file name>

To Auto Launch Word to create your CC gift acknowledgment letters, fill in the path and file name of the default merge document that you want to use to create CC Acknowledgment letters when you run the Gift Acknowledgment Export.

Use the Browse button on the System Options window to select the desired file.

Default Copy Gift Date



Determines whether you want the date of a copied Gift to be the same as the date of the original Gift.

Yes indicates that the original Gift Date will be copied.

No indicates that today's date will be used.

The default value is No.

Default Donor Fu

nd Rep Type

Fund Rep Code (user-selected)

When you create Gifts from a specific Donor, FIMS can automatically enter a default Fund ID for the Gift, if the Donor has a Fund association with the selected Fund Rep code.

Click the Lookup button on the System Options window to select the desired Fund Rep code.

Default Last Donor



Indicates whether you want FIMS to automatically enter the ID code of the last Donor you viewed on the Donor tab when you create a new Gift record (yes or no).

The default value is Yes.

Default Profile Ind/Org



Sets the default Profile type for all Profile records you create from the Donor and Gift Management module (Individual or Organization).

If you do not select a default value, the system will set the default value to Individual.

Tip: You can also set this default value from the Profile Management, Accounts Payable, Grantee and Grant Management, Pledge Management, and Scholarship Management modules. Refer to the System Options sections of those modules for more information.



<path and file name>

To Auto Launch Word to create your acknowledgment letters, fill in the path and file name of the default merge document that you want to use to create Acknowledgment letters when you run the Gift Acknowledgment Export.

Use the Browse button on the System Options window to select the desired file.

Gift Entry Validate Blank Codes



Indicates whether FIMS will check for blank Fund ID codes or G/L account codes in Gift entry (yes or no).

Note: This value must be set to No if you select either Warning or No for the Gift Entry Validate Gift Date option.

Gift Entry Validate Gift Date




Indicates the method that FIMS will use to notify you if you enter a Gift Date that corresponds to a fiscal year with no G/L accounts.

If you select Error, an error message will be displayed, and you will not be able to move on with the Gift entry process until you enter a valid date.

If you select Warning, a warning message will be displayed, but you will be able to continue with the Gift entry process.

If you select No, no message will be displayed, and you will be able to continue with the Gift entry process.

Note: If you select either Warning or No, the Gift Entry Validate Blank Codes option must be set to No.


Gift Folder Level

ID Code


Determines whether you want FIMS to create (or open) the Donor/Gift folder at the Profile level (based on the Donor’s ID code), or at the Gift level (based on the Gift Number).

The default is to open the folder at the ID code level. This means that no matter which supertab you are using, clicking the Gift/Donor button on the tool bar will open the Profile folder for the current Donor. If you want FIMS to create (or open) a separate folder for each Gift as a sub-folder of the Profile folder, then you must choose Gift Number in the Option.

Note: If you choose Gift Number, the Gift folder will be created or opened from the Unposted Gifts or Gift History supertabs

Transaction Date from Apply Date



Indicates whether the Gift posting process uses the G/L Apply Date for the Gift transaction date (yes or no).

If you select No, the Gift Date will be used as the transaction date.


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