Tax Status Verify
  • 17 Jul 2023
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Tax Status Verify

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You are here: Grants > Tax Status Lookup and Verify > Tax Status Verify

Tax Status Verify

The Tax Status Verify option, also called Tax Status Plus, verifies the tax status of existing Organization records in your FIMS system against the NPact tax database.

To access Tax Status Verify

1. Open a Grantee record.

2. Click on either the IRS or Canadian Tax Verify icon buttons.

Tip: In Profiles, access the Verify Tax Status option by right-clicking on the Profiles grid and selecting Process Selection.

3. If there are differences, click each Update button to update the information in your FIMS database.

Tip: You can update the timestamp and username when you verify the tax status on a Grantee Record, even when no changes are made to the data. To record the timestamp of a tax status verification, click the Update button next to Do you want to update last verified date?, then the Accept button. The Date and By User update.

4. Click Accept to confirm and save the changes.

Tip: On a Grantee record, locate a Grantee’s tax data by clicking the Tax Data radio button. The date and user information for the last update displays.

Note: Currently, the Last Verified data shown in the image above will only update when a user clicks Update to accept data changes as described in the steps above. If only Accept is clicked but Update is not, no updates are made or recorded.


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