The FIMS Database Auditing Feature
  • 18 Dec 2022
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The FIMS Database Auditing Feature

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Article summary

Auditing Overview

The FIMS database is a product of Progress Software.  As such, it has a built-in auditing feature that enables administrators and users to audit various events and data changes that occur continuously.

The Auditing feature of the FIMS database has been available since FIMS 14.10.  The auditing activities are encoded in “Policies” thus, while no Auditing Policies exist, no Auditing activities take place and changes made to the database will not be captured.  The various policies one can configure are designed to capture changes made to chosen fields in your database.  The utility, published by Progress, is accompanied by reports authored by NPact. The Auditing utility provides a wide range of options but, for simplicity and stability's sake, NPact will only support the options related to database table, record and field auditing as described in this section.

The Auditing feature captures changes as defined in one or more ‘Auditing Policies’ that are maintained by an administrative user.  One creates as many policies as needed to achieve the desired auditing objectives with each policy holding auditing details for one or more database tables.

Auditing reports are available with selection criteria enabling one to view database changes.


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