The G/L journal entries selected to be unposted currently exist as unposted entries....when unposting a FACTS Cycle
  • 18 Jan 2023
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The G/L journal entries selected to be unposted currently exist as unposted entries....when unposting a FACTS Cycle

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Article summary

When un-posting a FACTS cycle the message, 'The G/L journal entries selected to be unposted currently exist as unposted entries. It is recommended that these entries be deleted..' occurs.

How to un-post a FACTS Cycle

What does this message mean?


This message occurs when the FACTS cycle in question was previously posted but the GL journal entries from that FACTS posting were never posted and thus when you run the FACTS un-post tool which typically creates reversing entries, in this case it would not create reversing entries since the original journal entries with the FACTS posting were never posted and so there is nothing to reverse.

If you posted FACTS without posting the journal entries and then go to un-post the cycle, it is recommended to click Yes to delete the unposted FACTS journal entries because new ones will be created when you post FACTS again.

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