The Main Profile and Related Records
  • 24 Jun 2024
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The Main Profile and Related Records

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Article summary

The main Profile record can be related to other records in the Profile Management module, along with records in other FIMS modules. Refer to the following diagram to see a visual representation of the Profile record’s possible relationships.


Main Profile and Related Records


Profile Records




The Profile record contains the basic name and address information for individuals or organizations. It includes all of the fields on the Profile 1, Profile 2, and Salutations tabs in the Profile Management module (including the Name, Address, Telephone Number, Basic Codes, Default Salutation, and Alternate Salutations.

Alternate Addresses

Alternate Address records are used to store additional addresses for a Profile (for example, home, business, or vacation addresses).

You can add an unlimited number of Alternate Address records to a Profile via the Alternate Addresses tab.

Affiliation Codes

Affiliations act as tags to indicate how a Profile is affiliated with the organization or identify a Profile as belonging to a report group or mailing list.

Affiliation codes are related to the main Profile record by the ID Code. You can add an unlimited number of Affiliation codes (or groups of Affiliation codes) to a Profile via the Affiliations tab.


Contact and Tickle records are used to record any type of conversation associated with a Profile. They are also used to record to-do items (for example, phone calls to make or meetings to attend) and to set up automatic reminders (tickles) for an event.

You can connect an unlimited number of Contact records to each Profile, and you can create a Contact record from anywhere in the system by clicking the Contacts button on the Miscellaneous Command toolbar.

Refer to Contacts and Tickles in the Introduction for more information.


Relationship records allow you to record the family, professional, and organizational relationships between two Profiles. You can add an unlimited number of Relationship records via the Relationship tab.


There are twenty-six individual notepads associated with each Profile that you can use to record biographical information, notes on meetings, and other information. Each notepad can hold an unlimited amount of text. Click the Notes tab to access the notepads.

Donor and Gift Records




The Donor record is actually part of the Donor and Gift Management module, but you can also access this information from the Profile. It provides Donor-specific (or prospect-specific) data that is associated with the Profile.

Note: Each Profile record can have one Donor record, and the Donor record is a prerequisite for Gift entry. Click the Donor tab to access the Donor record.

Giving History

The Giving History record is actually part of the Donor and Gift Management module, but you can also access this information from the Profile. It provides the history of Gifts and pledges that are associated with the Profile.

Click the Giving History tab to access the Giving History record.


The Promises record is actually part of the Donor and Gift Management module, but you can also access this information from the Profile. It provides information about Promises that are associated with a specific Profile.

Click the Promises tab to access the Promises record.

Grant Management Records




The Grantee record is actually part of the Grantee and Grant Management module, but you can also access it from the Profile. It provides Grantee agency-specific data associated with the Profile.

Note: Each Profile can have one Grantee record, and the Grantee record is a prerequisite for Grant Application entry. Click the Grantee tab to access the Grantee record.

Grantee History

The Grantee History record is actually part of the Grantee and Grant Management module, but you can also access it from the Profile. It provides historical Grant information and access to specific Grant information associated with the Profile.

Click the Grantee History tab to access the Grant History record.

Accounts Payable Records




The Vendor record is actually part of the Accounts Payable module, but you can also access it from the Profile. It provides information on Profiles that have a Vendor relationship with the organization.

Click the Vendor tab access the Vendor record.

Fund Management Records



Fund Associations

The Fund Associations record is actually part of the Fund Management module, but you can also access it from the Profile. It provides information about the Funds associated with a Profile and the Profile’s relationship to those Funds.

Click the Fund Associations tab to view a Profile’s Fund Associations.


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