Track Duplicate Profiles with Relationship Records
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Track Duplicate Profiles with Relationship Records

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Article summary

Track Duplicate Profiles with Relationship Records

If you find it necessary to maintain almost duplicate Profiles or if there are Profile records in your database with similar names that are causing confusion with proper identification, you can use three Relationship codes (DPN, DPY, and DPP) and then add additional Relationship records with these codes as needed.

Note: Once the Relationship is added for one Profile, create an inverse relationship. Refer to Creating Relationships Between Profiles for more information.

  • DPN (Not a Duplicate): Use this code to identify Profiles that are not duplicates. This might include not only Profiles that are warranted duplicates, but also Profiles that might have the same name but are actually for different people.

  • DPY (Yes a Duplicate): Use this code to identify Profiles that are duplicates and need to be combined.

  • DPP (Possible Duplicate): Use this code to temporarily tag two Profiles that need further investigation to determine whether they are duplicates that should be combined or not. Once the determination is made, change the code to DPY or DPN.

Creating and maintaining these records provides the following benefits:

  • The Duplicate Profile Report can be run based on these codes. It will skip all Profiles with DPY and DPN codes, and optionally add the DPP code to help identify potential duplicates that may need to be combined. Refer to the Duplicate Profile Report for more information.

  • The Combine Two Profiles in Batch utility can be run if there are multiple Profiles that need to be combined (specifying the DPY code, for example). Refer to Combining Two Profiles in Batch for more information.


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