Trends and Analysis – Gifts Report
  • 18 Sep 2023
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Trends and Analysis – Gifts Report

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Article summary

Trends and Analysis – Gifts Report

This report analyzes Gifts based on the Gift code you specify. For example, you could run a report that provides the number and total amount of Gifts with a specified Purpose code.

The fields displayed in this report vary based on the analysis code you select. You must select an analysis code in order to run this report.

NOTE: You can export the data in this report to Microsoft Excel from the FIMS Viewer. Refer to Exporting Trends and Analysis Data to Excel for more information.

TIP: Although selection for this report is based primarily on Gift fields, you can also make selections based on Affiliation codes – which effectively extends filtering to Donor and recipient Fund characteristics by using the Affiliation utilities in the Profile Management module. Refer to File Maintenance – Profiles for more information about these utilities.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Gifts > Trends and Analysis > Gifts.


Gift Analysis Codes

You can use the following codes to analyze Gift data:

  • (Gift) Acknowledgment Code
  • (Gift) Anonymous Code
  • (Gift) County Code
  • (Gift) ID Code
  • (Gift) Inter-Fund
  • (Gift) Match Code
  • (Gift) Purpose Code
  • (Gift) Solicitor Code
  • (Gift) Source Code
  • (Gift) Gift Special Code
  • (Gift) Type Code


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