Unable to disconnect a user from FIMS using the Show Live Users utility
  • 02 Feb 2023
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Unable to disconnect a user from FIMS using the Show Live Users utility

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Article summary

Sometimes you're unable to disconnect FIMS users from the Show Live Users screen on the FIMS server. This is usually caused by the user connection being 'stuck' connected (due to workstation crash/etc).  

NOTE: Before doing the steps below, be sure that you are right-clicking the Show Live Users shortcut and running as administrator. The tool does not work unless you run as admin. Typically running the show live users tool as admin will allow you to disconnect a user.
  1. If you are unable to disconnect users from the "Show Live Users" screen, follow these steps:
  2. Get any connected users to log out of FIMS (other than the user(s) that cannot be disconnected)
  3. Stop the database(s) in question where the user is stuck. See the following on stopping and restarting FIMS databases:
    4. You can check that the user(s) has been disconnected by running "Show Live Users" again.

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