Unable to find advisor in search box - when viewing as advisor in DonorCentral
  • 10 Feb 2023
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Unable to find advisor in search box - when viewing as advisor in DonorCentral

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Article summary

When attempting to view as advisor in DonorCentral, I search for the advisor but they can't be found in the search box. 

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Log into DonorCentral
  2. Click Advisor View
  3. Click in the search box
  4. Enter the advisor name
  5. No results are found
This issue occurred because a deletion request was sent from FIMS to DonorCentral to delete the fund in DonorCenral which most likely was caused by changing the advisor relationship set up for the fund and then removing that relationship in FIMS.

Starting with FIMS 14.70 logging on the Real Time Sync feature has been added to track any changes made so that the issue can be determined.

Real Time Sync logging:
  • Go to the DC Real Time Sync Option named RTS_Logging located in Tools | System Utilities | DonorCentral | DonorCentral Options | Option: RTS_Logging.
  • Select 'On' to enable logging of real time synchronization to DonorCentral. The default is 'Off'. af
  • After RTS logging is turned on, the log is saved per user in an NXT folder under the FIMS temporary files folder typically n:\found\tempfiles\nxt. The files are named RTS_<userid>.log. These files are tab delimited so the data can be copied to Excel for filtering and etc.
  • Once the RTS_Logging is changed to On, anyone else using FIMS should exit and go back into FIMS in order for it to start logging for that user.

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