Unable to find Charity when Searching in a Recommendation Form in DonorCentral when typing in First Word of Name and when Grantee has Correct Affiliation Code
  • 01 May 2023
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Unable to find Charity when Searching in a Recommendation Form in DonorCentral when typing in First Word of Name and when Grantee has Correct Affiliation Code

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Article summary

When searching for a charity in the recommendation form in DonorCentral the name will not appear in the list if you type in the first word of the name of the charity even if the grantee has the appropriate Donor Central affiliation code. For example, if you are looking for SC Veterans Charity and you type in SC, the charity will not appear in the list. However, if you type in Veterans or Charity it will appear. 

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Log into DonorCentral
2. Click on Recommendation\New Recommendation
3.  In the Charity search field type in the name of the charity
4. Note that no results appear.
The fix for this issue was deployed 2/11/2019.

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