Unable to locate database plugin insure adminserver is running and is properly configured when Running a Database Command in Proenv
  • 24 Jan 2023
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Unable to locate database plugin insure adminserver is running and is properly configured when Running a Database Command in Proenv

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Article summary

When running a command in the Proenv Progress Command window such as 'dbman -start -all' in order to start all of the databases, the following error may occur, "Unable to locate database plugin – insure adminserver is running and is properly configured".

1. Re-start the AdminService for OpenEdge. If you get a message indicating that you cannot restart due to a lock file, check \npo\oemgmt\config for a file called 'admsvr.lock' and delete it. The admin service will need to be stopped in order to delete that file.
2. Run the command in Proenv again and see if the error still persists. It may take a few moments for the admin service to fully start.
3. If the error still occurs, see if the OpenEdge Database Server/Broker Process is running.
4. If the OpenEdge Database Server/Broker Process is not running, try to start it manually by going to \npo\dlc\bin and starting the '_mprosrv.exe' program.
5. Check Task Manager to see if the either the OpenEdge Database Server/Broker Process is now running or the AdminService for OpenEdge is running.
6. If either one of them are still not running, restart the server.
7. After the server re-starts, check and see if either the OpenEdge Database Server/Broker Process is now running or the AdminService for OpenEdge is running.
8. If they are not, check Event Viewer for any potential Progress messages that would indicate why they did not start.
9. If they are both now running, try running the Proenv command again.

Contact FIMS customer support for additional assistance on this issue.

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