Unable to open file Client C eAdvisor txt Errno 2 98 when doing a DonorCentral Upload from FIMS on Azure Cloud
  • 31 May 2023
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Unable to open file Client C eAdvisor txt Errno 2 98 when doing a DonorCentral Upload from FIMS on Azure Cloud

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Article summary

I changed my user preferences download directory in User Preferences > All Other Preferences > DonorCentral_Download_Directory to the local eAdvisor folder so that I can upload pdf fund statements that were created on my local C drive eAdvisor folder to DonorCentral using the Upload DC Fund Statements feature but now if I manually run the DonorCentral upload from FIMS I get the following error:



The solution is to do one of the following:

Easiest solution:

1. Go to My Files
2. Go to the eAdvisor folder
3. Copy the FTP folder and history folder to local C:\eAdvisor folder
4. Now, both the manual upload to DonorCentral and the upload DC Fund Statements feature will work using the local C eAdvisor folder


1. Go to User Preferences > All Other Preferences > DonorCentral_Download_Directory 
  • Do not change the main system setting in DC options, only change the setting in User preferences for any user manually uploading to DonorCentral from FIMS
2. Browse to S:\eAdvisor (the S drive in My Files)
3. Select S:\eAdvisor as the folder
4. Click apply and OK
5. Do the manual DonorCentral upload

Can I manually upload data to DonorCentral?

6. Go back to User Preferences > All Other Preferences > DonorCentral_Download_Directory
  • Do not change the main system setting n DC options, only change the setting in User preferences for any user manually uploading to DonorCentral from FIMS
7. Change the setting back to the local eAdvisor folder, so that you can use the Upload DC Fund Statements feature from FIMS.

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