Unable to open file //tsclient/c...txt. Errno 2 (98) when running DIY Profile Import in FIMS on Azure
  • 23 Oct 2023
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Unable to open file //tsclient/c...txt. Errno 2 (98) when running DIY Profile Import in FIMS on Azure

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Article summary

When running the DIY Profile Import in FIMS on Azure, the following error occurs:


This error occurs due to the User Preferences SaveAsDir being set to \\tsclient\c. The local system does not allow user to save directly to the c:\ drive. Change the User Preference SaveAsDir to some other folder on your local c: drive for example, \\tsclient\c\Profiles. You will need to create a folder on your C drive first if it does not exist, then you can choose that for the SaveAsDir.

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