Unable to post interfunds when populating the "THROUGH" field in Batch Selection Criteria
  • 11 Jan 2023
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Unable to post interfunds when populating the "THROUGH" field in Batch Selection Criteria

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Article summary

When trying to post interfunds using the interfund module, if I populate the "through" field in the batch criteria window, the resulting report has the "post Interfund" menu item grayed out. However, when not entering anything in the "through" field and leaving it with the "zzzzzz", the menu item because clickable in the resulting report.


The reason the Post Interfund is disabled is because you also must go to the gift tab and enter the same batch number into the Batch field there.

Steps To Duplicate

  1. Open FIMS
  2. Click on View > Interfund Module
  3. Click on Interfund supertab
  4. Open an application
  5. Click on processes
  6. Select Interfund Edit/Post
  7. Click Run Process
  8. Enter batch number in the "Select Batches From" field, and enter the same in the "Through" field
  9. Click OK
  10. Click Run Report
  11. Notice the "Post Interfund" button on the report is grayed out
  12. Close the report
  13. Repeat the process, however this time DO NOT enter anything in the "THROUGH" field
  14. Notice the Post Interfund button is now clickable

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