Unitization History Report
  • 02 Nov 2023
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Unitization History Report

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Article summary

Unitization History Report

This report provides a complete list of posted and unposted allocation results from any reconciliation cycle.

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > FACTS > Unitization History.

Unitization History Report Fields



Fund ID

The Fund ID associated with the unitization statistics.

Begin Units

The beginning unit value for each Fund in the pool.

Beginning Market Value

The beginning market value for the Fund.

Realized Gain / Loss

The realized gain or loss earned during the selected cycle.

Unrealized Gain / Loss

The unrealized gain or loss earned during the selected cycle.

Interest Dividends

Any dividends that were earned on investments during the selected cycle.

Gifts, Receipts, Transfers

The total amount of confirmed Gifts and transfers for each Fund in the pool during the selected cycle.


The total fees applied to the Fund during the selected cycle.

Ending Market Value

The ending market value for the Fund.

Ending Units

The ending unit value for each Fund in the pool.

Running the Unitization History Report

  1. In the FACTS module, select Reports > Unitization History Report. The Unitization History Report Selections window opens.

    Unitization History Report Selections Window
  2. Click the arrow in the Pool drop-down box and select the desired pool.
  3. In the Cycle field, enter the desired reconciliation cycle.
  4. If you only want to include Funds that have a positive market value for the selected cycle, select the Bypass Funds with No Market Value checkbox. If you want to include all Funds in the pool, clear this checkbox.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Verify the Send To destination, and then click the Run Report button.


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