Unitization History Report Wraps Digits to Next Line of Report when Printed and in Graphical Viewer
  • 08 Feb 2023
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Unitization History Report Wraps Digits to Next Line of Report when Printed and in Graphical Viewer

  • Dark
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Article summary

When printing the unitization history report to a printer or in Graphical Viewer, the digits wraps the digits to the next line of the report but the wrapping is not seen in the print to screen option until printed to the printer on paper.

Steps To Duplicate:
  1. Go to Reports > FACTS > Unitization history report
  2. Choose the pool for which to run the report and click OK
  3. Choose the Screen Radial button and click Run Report
  4. Note that no wrapping shows on the screen
  5. Run the same report and now print to graphical viewer
  6. Now note that wrapping does show on the screen view
  7. For either regular screen view or graphical view, print report to printer
  8. Notice unitization digits wrap on the printed paper
This issue was addressed in FIMS 14.66 

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