Unposted Gift Listing Report
  • 17 May 2023
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Unposted Gift Listing Report

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You are here: FIMS Other Features > Reports > Donor and Gift Reports > Unposted Gift Listing Report

Unposted Gift Listing Report

This report lists unposted Gifts, along with their associated Fund ID and codes from the first recipient Fund.

You can optionally include subtotal lines in this report based on your Sorting criteria (for example, you could sort and subtotal the report based on the Donor).

Many organizations use this report sorted by Check Number to proof their deposit slips. Selecting on Batch Number or Gift Date might support an adding machine tape totaling the daily or weekly gift deposit. Since the Donor field is displayed on the report, many organizations use it as a data source for acknowledgement letters (if they have not automated the process).

NOTE: You can access this report from anywhere in FIMS by selecting Reports > Gifts > Unposted Gift Listing.

NOTE: The All Gifts Report and the Gift Acknowledgement Export also provide Unposted Gift Detail information.

Unposted Gift Listing Report

 Unposted Gift Listing Fields



Gift #

The unique, sequential number used to identify the Gift.


The Donor’s report name.

Gift Amount

The total Gift Amount (regardless of the number of Funds that the Gift is distributed to).

Non-Gift Amount

Any non-Gift payment made along with the Gift (for example if part of a Gift payment also includes the price of a Fund-raising dinner).

Gift Date

The date when the organization took ownership of the Gift.

Check No.

The check number from the check that was used to pay the Gift.


The Class code for the first Fund that the Gift will be applied to.


The Type code for the first Fund that the Gift will be applied to.


The Subtype code for the first Fund that the Gift will be applied to.

ID Code

The Donor’s ID code.


The total number of unposted Gifts.


The average Gift Amount for all unposted Gifts.


The smallest Gift Amount for all unposted Gifts.


The largest Gift Amount for all unposted Gifts.


The sum total of all unposted Gifts.

 Tip: Utilizing Unposted Gift Detail

The Unposted Gift Listing report is one of three FIMS reports that provides unposted Gift Detail. The All Gifts Report and the Gift Acknowledgement Export also provide this information.

Many organizations use the Unposted Gift Listing sorted by Check Number to proof their deposit slip. You can also select on Batch Number or Gift Date to verify an adding machine tape totaling the daily or weekly gift deposit.

NOTE: Since the Donor field is displayed on these reports, you can use it as a data source for Acknowledgement letters (if you do not automate the process).

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